Oricon Sales of Love Live! Media Used for Event Ticket Lotteries

This is a record of sales numbers from Oricon for each Love Live! media (CD/Blu-ray) that included a code used for a specific event's ticket lottery. It gets updated whenever I remember to update it, and data is sourced from various Japanese and Chinese websites.

It's sorted by "Estimated Sales Competing Per Seat Per Session", a measure of how "competitive" each event lottery was:

  • For each event, I divide the total sales of the item by an estimate of the number of seats available in the venue.
  • Then I divide again by the number of sessions when: a) there are multiple sessions and b) each code can only be used to apply to a single session.

There are several caveats to this approach, detailed below the main part. But this may be the best estimate of lottery difficulty we have without having venue seating specifics, individual preferences, or more inclusive sales records.

At the bottom, there are

  • Fan meeting tours: these have a lot of sessions in various places, so the total sales aren't very representative—many people only go for a subset of sessions that are nearby or that fit in their schedule. So they don't really fit with the main part, but I put them in here for the sake of completeness.
  • Multi-round aggregates: these events had multiple CD/BD lottery rounds for at least one session, so in order to compare to other events, I average/total the sales as necessary. The aggregated entries are in the main part, while the base data is at the bottom to enable verification.

A full-size view of the spreadsheet, for easier scrolling: https://bit.ly/llballotsales