e+ Technical Issues (aimed towards overseas users)

e+ started offering overseas streaming for Nijigasaki High School Idol Club 2nd Live!, and with this introduction (as well as some technical "upgrades") have come a bunch of technical problems.

I'll outline some of these problems, their potential causes, and things you can do to try to fix them.


My card is getting rejected when I try to pay for a ticket on the overseas site

This may be because: your card issuer flagged the transaction(s) as suspicious. (For each ticket, e+ makes a small transaction to test your card, and then they make the main transaction.)

What to try: Contact your card company and confirm that it was a legitimate purchase.

Watching the Stream

The stream page shows an error about the browser/OS

This may be because: You're not using one of the browser+OS pairs that e+ wants

  • Windows + Edge
  • macOS + Safari
  • iOS + Safari
  • Android + Chrome

What to try:

  1. Use the expected browser, or
  2. Change your user agent to one of the accepted browser+OS pairs. You can do this in the browser or with an extension; search "change user agent [your browser]".

The stream page shows no video/audio after I click the play button

This may be because:

  1. Extensions are messing with the app, or
  2. The DRM doesn't work with your display and/or browser, or
  3. The app doesn't work with your browser language/locale

What to try:

  1. Turn off extensions
  2. Use a different display or browser if possible
  3. Switch your browser language to English or Japanese

I can't select higher video quality

(As far as we know, the quality can go up to 1080p.)

This may be because: Your connection quality/speed is judged to be insufficient for higher video quality.

What to try: Get a better connection or try a different device. (I realize this may not be practical for your situation... not sure what else can be done.)